Thursday, August 25, 2011


“I have finally swallowed my pride and accepted what Michael Joseph said about Kenyans. We are a people with peculiar habits.” I said this as amidst the boys, you have met Martin (albeit in brief). It is he and the others who make me say this statement.

The other day, my boys and I were remembering the days when we got away with what we did.

It is only in Kenya where a lad in his right senses when busted with a lady in his father’s compound boldly says to the father “tulisoma nay eye class 8” as Martin always did. He did this with the most innocent look on his face that the father had nothing else but believe his son.

Kevin on his part was the most holy of the group, we used to tease and say that he was so holy that the devil knew him on a personal basis. He was holy because he could never lie. *wth*
Everybody lies but he would never lie. He is the reason why we never make plans in his ear shot. There was this time that we planned to sneak out of school and go to the neighbouring shopping centre for a spree.  Our plan was water tight as we were to go during the games time and sneak back before supper (usually of ugali and poorly boiled sukuma wiki).

I remember that day like it was yesterday. The bloke acted nervous the whole day. He spilled the beans off his plate over lunch hour. He went for the CU lunch hour prayer to ask for forgiveness perhaps. And to top it all he mixed potassium with water in the lab during Chemistry lesson. Boy how we ran at the sound of the explosion, while he peed on himself for his acts.

That did not stop us from going over the fence. We did go but on our way back we found the deputy, yes the deputy, a man whose hand I still believe was meant to make a club for clobbering thieves but was accidentally implanted on him by God. He was waiting for us at the panya root. The guy had turned himself over to the authorities and we thought he had chickened out of the operation.

I don’t want to tell you what a beating we got. When we confronted him much later all he could say was.
“I love you guys, I don’t want to see you ruin your lives. You know God teaches us to be a brother’s keeper”

“You love us we know that, but boy you are a good example of what Judas was. Msaliti wewe! ” was all Martin could say his backside to sore to allow him to vent his anger.

So today we are back together in campus and I can tell you that Kevin has not been spared from the lies. Martin had become infectious and Kevin was a victim. The last time I checked, he had played into our plan. We agreed to something like this;

That semester we cheated our parents. I know it’s hard but I did it too. When I was asked about the HELB money all we could tell our folks was something like;
“HELB imechelewa.”

They confronted us and we gave the look of an altar boy that we had spent months practising and replied;

“Hata mimi sijui nini mbaya”

Boy that semester we were three little sonkos we ran our own IMF or ADB lending money like Shylock never did to Bassanio.

Does that make us peculiar, yes it does!

To be cont’d.


The G7 alliance is like 41 flavours, there is something for every one. The question that comes to mind however is what your flavour is. When it comes to flavours, every body can be a connoisseur, but not every one can have the real taste.

Take my case for example, I love politics but I am not a politician. I can’t tell what exactly describes me. However, when it comes to politics, I like to see myself as more of an enthusiast because politics, especially the Kenyan one does not make for a good cocktail.

I was with a few friends the other day and something came up about the G7 alliance in our conversation. I have interesting friends you know, and they are good at picking my brain, (not literally of course).  We are largely cosmopolitan thanks to our upbringing and mind you some of us can’t speak our native languages fluently, *something we don’t boast about*. That alone might be the reason why we decided to take our time today and understand our G7 politicians.

Martin began the charge saying, “Hey Maboyz (Swahili for guys I mean sheng for guys) you will have to stop hii storo ya kujidai ati mnasupport mavijana. These guys are all old.”

“Wacha vako, they are not they are young don’t you know they dye their hair?” I joked.

“that wasn’t funny Wels (a slung for my name)” interjected Any, “ those guys are nowhere near young in fact most are way over forty I mean most were born earlier than 1971. Don’t you get it Obezeey (Obama) just turned 50 and that’s relatively young you know but hawa maboy they hide their miaka kwa magoti”

Perhaps you did not get that and just cursed what the h**l! Are they talking about? I will break it down for you. I will put it in palatable terms and more cognitively so that you can cipher what I learned on that day.

This is a team with an objective for the 2011. Their vision is to see that they form the next government and their mission is to ensure that they would rather die than see one Raila Amolo Odinga become president. Is it just me or do they sound corny!

I will explain.

The politics of the next election should be based on ideas and not individuals, the nation and not the nation’s tribes and above all the constitution that was promulgated. I love that word (promulgation) never knew it existed. Any way, back to the story; if you are considering being in this, you had better pick out where to try your taste buds because G7 apparently are seeking to unite all tribes.  They are so good at it that they have announced that they will unite and pick one of them. *why am I repeating what is already known?*

Take the likes of Wamalwa, they younger one, he is not known for any progress made or anything worth writing home. No insults here but his claim to fame is that he is a presidential aspirant. Even wikipedia has less than a page about him.

As for Ruto my blog on Ruto is a Reformist explains all his exceptional qualities.

Cyrus Jirongo, the young man who by 1978 was already in Mang’u, came out to be a chairman of AFC leopards in 1991 before joining politics in YK92 like his bossom buddy Ruto. Of course he was a RED during the campaign for the new constitution. If you did not know he points out fingers at the alleged non-tolerance in ODM but we all know that KADDU is his party and that he calls all the shots.

I never said that CJ was bad; I just meant that as a flavour he would add something interesting given that his claim to fame has largely been built on bad mouthing the non aggressive Musalia.

The most promising person whom I can’t comprehend what he is doing here is Uhuru. Did you know that he was the first Finance Minister to use social networks to ask for ideas on the budget in the whole world? Did you also know that the budget 2011/2012 was released in the ministry website long before it was read. Did you also know that it was under his ministry that Kenya got her first ESP (Economic Stimulus Package)?

Through the Ministry of Finance, Uhuru Kenyatta initiated an internal audit on all donor-funded projects and found that funds given to both KESSP and WKCDD had been misappropriated. Together with the relevant ministries, Uhuru Kenyatta directed that the related staff members be suspended.

In 2009, Uhuru Kenyatta directed that government Ministers, along with Assistant Ministers and Permanent Secretaries, should turn in their Mercedes-Benz government cars for Volkswagen Passats. In doing this he aimed not only to reduce government car costs to about two-thirds the price of a Mercedez-Benz but also to reduce the cost of running and maintaining these cars. This was famous with the public even though no one has shown reason for any under hand dealings in the issuance of the said order?

According to Uhuru, "Growing up in the Kenyatta household taught us many things. My father taught us to treat everyone fairly. He taught us the essence of justice and fairness, he told us to learn from history but not to live in history."

Now I was talking about flavours and Uhuru is definitely someone to watch out for.

There might be flowers such as NARC or oranges such as ODM but all in all you are a connoisseur so chose your flavour carefully.

I must admit however that I am having a hard time with mine what about you?


In the Daily Nation newspaper of 29/07/2011, Mr Osoro in his well intended article GMO or not proposed a government policy that facilitates intervention in the food chain, promotion of alternative food crops, sustained research culminated by a proposal on a government funded conference of scientists to discuss GMO and recommend legislative measures.

That cake has a crust that has a big problem on the icing. As he clearly stated our policies have been defined by the Bretton Wood institutions yet existing evidence appalls his theory in that Malawi under the same  conditions seems to be doing even better. So how come he blames the said policies yet as an analyst he knows that the country (Kenya) has outdone itself in all areas since 2002 yet most of the policies largely remain unchanged.

What he should otherwise remember is that there are success stories show that policies even the good ones under the wrong hands are a disaster. To blame the policies under the current hunger situation is false largely because the dynamics are large given that one of the reasons why there is a high corn price in the world market is also because of the fact the Russia put an embargo on their maize exports leading to a shortage in the world market.

The government did the economically sound thing and kept out of controlling the market prices. This is because it is self defeating to engage in endeavors that compete with the very farmers that you are trying to compete. One should take the example of Cuba that had been a communist country but upon the demise of the Soviet union that had been her supporter in aid for close to 30 years she had to adapt to a more liberal marketing in order to stay relevant. A good example of new government policy is that HCDA no longer engages in horticulture thus allowing more farmers to develop and fill the gap that it once used. In addition its facilities can be used at subsidized rates.

He further argues that maize farmers are being exploited for their produce while forgetting that the said farmers are getting inputs at subsidized rates. In addition they also get to insure their produce and get weather updates through a well integrated phone application a case that was absent 10 years ago. If that is exploitation then these farmers many of whom now commercialize their produce.

As for the seeds he wants to sight are an issue he forgets that KARI issued a statement after the PEV and drought stating that the seed harvest was impaired. Whilst this was true the same year the farmers in Eastern had a bumper harvest that there was some maize that went bad due to aflotoxin.

Maize is a volatile crop as I will agree with him. But he forgets that the hybrid types from KARI and Kenya Seed has enabled most areas to grow maize up to 2 times in a year. In fact our side is of a higher quality than those of other East African Countries so proposing that Kenyan should go into research for better varieties its a case of been there and done that. Does he know that the potatoes that he is advocating for is even there in hybrid varieties!

He talked of a government sponsored conference, that is so counterproductive given the fact that KEPHIS doesn'teven have the equipment to validate this GMO and that there is already a lot of information in the global domain. Given that Egypt and South Africa are the only countries with the capacity to engineer GMO how would our own have become experts overnight? The best action would have been to form a task force and include in the team experts from these expert countries and also to include the stakeholders of the various disciplines.

Either way Kenya is doing her best.


i got this email way back and I thought that I could share it

I have the following message to share with all CHRIST SOLDIERS who believe in prophetic dreams and visions.
"On this day, 5th July 2011 at 10:15am, I Major General Brigadier: Samuel Nicky Jackson, had a Prophetic dream from the ALMIGHTY YAHWEH ELOHIM and I believe it is necessary for each of us to take some real good time in praying about it because I was not showed the exact location, nation, date or time that it will took place.
I saw a jet strike a certain place with a missile scud bomb, then in a fraction of seconds, another jet flew by and hit the same location with the same kind of missile scud bomb.
Now what shocked me most is when I realized that, the bombardment was such an organized attack whereby, many other jets bombed the same location, each striking about 2 seconds after the previous one: the total number of jets was 15 (FIFTEEN).
The only thing I was not able to figure out was whether the jets were actually fighter jets, airplanes or air-crafts. I also did not see where each jet was going to, after attacking, hence my assumption that, they are likely to have crashed into the attack zone.
After that I saw some people seeking media attention.
***** Now my fellow human beings from all walks of life, this is an issue of major concern to every one of us who loves life, having in mind that, this dream might be having a number of meanings and irrespective of whatever interpretation we might get, the bottom-line is, ATTACK-WAR-TERRORISM.
Just to break it down a little bit for us, let me try to to interpret this dream.
1...The attacking jets might be representing any other kind of war materials of a very high level, and believe you me, the terrorists are having most of them.
2...The location that I saw may not be the only location marked as an attack zone, but it might be representing other locations of its kind in other places or nations. For example, Cities, embassies, hotels, airports, trains etc.
4...In our times it is very possible for an attack to be systematically orchestrated at the same time in different location/Nations like it happened in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 terror bomb attacks on the U.S embassies.
5...At the same time I am not ruling out the possibilities of an attack in only one location and If that be the case then it will be the mother of all terror attacks due to the number of jets I saw bombarding the location.
Now just to make my point clearly understood, Let everyone of who you has the spirit of GOD in him, seek the LORD's will because I don't know which People, location or Nation will be attacked: MIND YOU, the reason as to why GOD ALMIGHTY has shown me this warning is so that, we who are called by his name can humble ourselves, turn away from wickedness, and call upon his name, then he will hear us from heaven and he shall heal our land/Nations.
YOU who believes in prophets worldwide join me in prayers so that we can avert this planned attacks which I strongly believe have now been highly organized to maturity.
Ignore this message at your own peril. For who knows which place will be attacked? It might be your country, your city, your favorite hotel, your airport, your trains, your embassies, your home or even yourself.
Do not despise yourself saying that your prayers alone cannot change a things. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS. Mind you, according to the bible, at one time, GOD was seeking for just one man to stand in the gap and so that GOD would change the situation.
Remember the many events in the Bible that took just few men to involve GOD in the prevailing circumstances. Elijah, Elisha, Daniel and his three friends, Nehemiah and many others.
If one of us can chase a thousand and two us can chase ten thousands, then how many enemies can we put in flight if we join together in prayers. Indeed as I have always said, The future is controlled by the INTERCESSORS.
Clothe yourselves with the LORD's Armour and hit the battle ground knowing that, the Battle belongs to the LORD. Remember also that, he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, because the fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much and the weapons of our warfare are not canal but mighty through GOD to the pulling down of strongholds, powers and principalities in the heavenly places.
Simply, put your hands on the weapons and let GOD put his mighty hand on you. Then and only then, will you know that GOD IS A MAN OF WAR. He is JEHOVAH NISSI the LORD our banner who tolerates no rivals.
ASSUMING THAT YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHOM GOD IS WAITING TO PRAY BEFORE HE CAN ANSWER, GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY NOW, for who knows that you were born for such a time and season as this.
>> Without GOD, man cannot: But ALSO: without a man, GOD will not.
WARNING: Cursed be the man who will not use his SWORD TO KILL in the battle"
On this Date 05/07/2011
Major General Brigadier: Samuel Nicky Jackson
P.O Box 44005-00100 Nairobi Kenya.
Tel: +254 20 231 2399
Cellphone:+254 720 332 395

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


When Obama, became president all of the world stood up in giving America a standing ovation. The Afro Americans, stood up in ululation to mark and end albeit at the moment of racism. They were happy that one of their own was elected as President. Kenya had despised the young senator when he paid his father's land a visit and went ahead to give an infamous speech about corruption at UON's Taifa Hall. Well we were proud that  Change had finally come.

When I look at Kenya today, I am at a crossroads given that I have been around for over 20 years and my future seems bleak. My future is not bleak because my country is at war, or because I lack anything, not at all. I have had my blessings and do continue to count them each passing day. My future is bleak because at the moment I weep for my country. I weep because there is a disparity in all areas and a continual gap between the social elites and the lower income earners. I weep because these facts are out there and nobody in the position of influence is willing to change or address them head on.

When I was a little younger and all my innocence was still intact, I heard and read about the great Luanda Magere, the Wanga Kingdom, the like of Masaku, Koitalel arap Samoei and even Mekatilili wa Menza. Those heroes were known and despite their diversity, all Kenyans identify and revere them. I also read and heard about the eloquent Mboya whose life was snuffed out by an assassin's bullet. All these are but a tip of the cake's icing.

When you look around what you see are epitomes of selfishness and wit masked by smiles and empty rhetoric. You see leaders who are tribal war lords complete with an army of propagandists and foot soldiers as evidenced by the 2007/2008 mayhem. I don't know what you see but I see people who divide and rule. People who do not stand for VALUES but oscillate faster than a pendulum on personal interest.

Is there any person out there? Are you even reading this!

You might have the audacity to ask me what I do for my country. For starters I am a tax payer; Enough said.

What I have endeavored in the past months to do is to study and look for as much information as possible on these noble men and women who want to be my president.

That is the only way that I can stand and be counted. I want to be counted as among those who did not get hood winked by the spell cast on this great land. The spell of my tribe this, my tribe that. I want to be counted as that person who voted for a man of integrity who did not win an election because he never wooed voters with money. I want to be the one who voted for that person who respects the rule of law but lost out in the wave of a political party whose members are everything but honest. I want to be counted as that person who never voted for a fellow tribesman who lacked in content and ideology but voted for a man that stands for something; the right thing.

Bad leaders and good laws are like lipstick on the snout of a pig; very appealing! But does any one care. Does any one care that at the moment there is no one who enjoys popular support from Kenyans? Does any one care that there is something wrong with us and that our mothers are not to blame for giving birth to men and women who are incapable of dying for the noble thing? What happened to UZALENDO?

What happened to the enthusiasm that we all enjoyed in 2003 and the valor that spewed forth optimism amongst us? We find ourselves clamoring for heroes of other countries such as Mandela of South Africa and Obama of America yet are incapable of cultivating our own. I am yearning, yearning for change. I am disillusioned but all is not lost.

All is not lost because there are Kenyans who will die for Kenya. I will stand to be counted with them. I will die with them. They are the reason that I have hope. They are the reason that I say kudos! to all Kenyan mothers for bearing forth such noble fruits ripe at such ignoble times as this.

These Kenyans are the reason why we knew that people were dying of hunger even when the GoK was denying the truth. They are the uncelebrated heroes of the new revolution, the new liberation. They are the ones who understand what it is to sacrifice whilst the leaders flaunt their excuses in public.

These men and women unknown to the camera and public life are watching. Unknown to many they too are waiting to see who will join in in the band wagon, the wagon that heads up the hill and down into the plains of success and triumph.

I do not know about you but I stand to be counted!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Initially it was all about the mistakes that the business executives committed would lead to a resultant loss of company profitability topped by the firing of  workers here and there. But this is not the case anymore; the trend is changing and soon we will be held ransom by these ever powerful individuals who are moving towards shaking the world economies.

Take for example the example of Enron the name became such a dirty word that Houston's MLB team, the Astros, changed their ballpark name form Enron Field to Minute Maid Park after the Business scandal.

I will give an example of Jeffrey Skilling who is now on a 24 year jail term exploited the deregulated energy market in the 1990's bring profits of over $130 million in just one year. Together with his conspirators they controlled the energy market before later falling to a Congressional hearing and going bankrupt.

Kenya on her part has not been spared from the same issues that are following the global money markets today. It seems that there is LACK OF POLICY. The public especially those actively involved in the banking sector are not alien to the collapse of Euro Bank that had accounted for only 03.% of the systems deposits. It is evident that the collapse of such banks are pegged on the change of guard at the political helm when the said guard apparently goes away with their protective hand.

With the downfall of this bank was also the severe loss of public funds such as Postal Corporation of Kenya 159 million, NHIF 479 million, Kenya pipeline 59 million just to name a few.

When can we learn that we need an adequate policy guidelines that will ensure that we no longer have the laxity culminating in the looting of public money.

It seems that the political class no longer has a major role especially when they leave monetary systems at the whim of foolish self centered business moguls.

By all the powers that be we need a monetary policy that will ensure that we do not go the way that great economies of this world have gone in the immediate past.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


This is not a character assassination of the honorable member of parliament for Eldoret north even though it is in the public domain that there is nothing honorable about him of late. It is merely meant to elucidate on the deepest truths that is fact from fiction.

William Ruto is contesting for the presidency of the Republic of Kenya. That is a fact. I did try to find out what his credentials were and I was impressed that a person with such honorable qualities as his exists in Kenya.

To begin with he was a sycophant for the now dead KANU in the '92 elections. A party of which he was a LOYAL and active member. A party that had become dictatorial by using democratic means to stay in power illegitimately. A party which believed that human rights groups were committing acts of treason (the veracity of which is proved by the deaths of the heroes that died) to the epitome was that the multi- partysm ideology was un-african as it was foreign. Of course the winning of the elections in the said year prove that he is indeed well versed in fraudulent electoral processes.

At the time of my writing he is facing a case at the Hague. If the YK92 exploits with the tribal clashes afflicting the Kikuyu back then is anything to go by the we have a patron saint being falsely accused and in any case, the result of the pretrial chamber of Ekatarina Trendflova and her company has their work cut out.

I wish to point out that he is a loyal person inter alia stated on the party loyalty, but I was wrong because he is loyal only to himself. Not only was he a KANU elections director but also a rabid defender of KANU. Of course as an act of self preservation he joined the Rainbow coalition and voila he flogged Moi taking over his leadership role and of course endearing himself to like minded  Rutolets.

As a reformist he was implicated in the Maize scandal which was of course a fabrication of his enemies who wanted to finish him. But what is there to say given the obvious fact that he is a former member of a regime that is famous for its corruption exploits than the development it brought?

The other quality that makes him presidential material is indeed the fact that he has disdain for authority. Ask Odinga and Moi, they have the first hand version of what talents this gentleman is capable of. When the PEV (post election violence) suspects were to be tried he faulted the incumbent Prime minister, in addition like the fighter he is he rejected the bid to restore the Mau by suggesting that his people were being marginalized putting the whole country at risk yet Mau is a national water tower.

The journey to the birth of the new constitution was a long one spanning over 20 years. Like all reformists, he led the REDS a team that was united to malign the voters into voting NO. Of course he exercised his democratic right accordingly and many Kenyans agreed with him by voting a resounding YES.

The Rutolets have taken a new stand and even wanted to head the commissions heading the implementation of the new supreme law. What baffles is that by the time am writing this paragraph am not sure which reforms and which Kenya Ruto is advocating for because his alignment with the G7 has just showed how a reformists he is. By now you know that KANU was famous for party hoppers and even going to the opposition and luring them over. At a time when we expect them to follow the rule of law the gentleman and his bosom friends have declared their allegiance to UDM a party that he is about to usurp but do I say. This party hopping business is a thing of the past and if any thing is to go by then all his actions speak louder than the letters forming this story

you give the verdict

This is an update that COFEK Kenya put on its Facebook page here is the full link